Well weigh in was yesterday. I managed to lose 1.5lbs amongst all my pretzel eating episodes. Hubby only lost 0.5lbs. So he’s all like, I only have to put 5 dollars in I guess. What a twit. It’s going to be me winning back all my money at this rate. Oh well. It’s still a little more incentive.

Tomorrow the SIL is going to have a big family outing. A lobster boil, muscles, salads, more food, and I am bringing up a cake for my little E since her birthday is only a few days away. Anyway, yesterday she asks me, how many dozen lobster do we want and I’m like only 1, that’s more than enough for us, since it’s hubby, me and 2 of the kids that will eat them. Anyway, let me explain this, it’s all of HER family that will be there, her mother, father, aunts, uncles, grandfather, her sis in law on her side, etc. Only a few members from my hubby’s family will be there, meaning us, and his parents. Anyway, she says, well 4 dozen lobster should be enough for all those people. I’m like 4 dozen, I should hope, then she says that’s including your dozen. She says, that should be enough for everyone to have 2 each. (I’m not into the whole pig scene but….) Now this is where I say quietly to myself. What the fuck?? Ummm, ok, maybe I completely misunderstood, but hell, it costs over 50 dollars for the f’in lobsters, and I am surely not gonna feed your family. That’s the point I’m trying to get across. Why in the hell, are we the only other ones that have to buy the damn things, ( I totally don’t mind, but we are the only ones here that have to buy some and then have to feed HER family???) That’s just downright insane. I am hoping that I have made a big misunderstanding here, but shit it seemed that way yesterday when she was talking to me. Hubby was a little more pissy about it all. He’s all like, why am I buying that for them???? It’s not my family and 2nd I don’t really want to be around them. So I don’t want to be a downer but I’m thinking we may not go to this, since the money around here is gonna be tight, because my hubby’s damn union just voted 93% in favor of striking!!!! URGH.

I’m glad this is all that I have to be pissy about though, LOL, makes me happy that this foolishness is all that’s going “wrong” in my life.

Anywho, my son, the vegetable-tarian, has struck again.

I’m sitting here feeding the baby (nursing her) He comes over and proceeds to talk to me.

boy: Mom, dat’s in her way.

Me: what?

boy: dat big boob dere, I dunno how she can breathe!

hehe, he’s all like, how does she get milk from there?? Do you drink the milk then it falls out through there?? hahaha. I explained that I “make” milk, like a factory, cause I sure didn’t want to compare myself to a cow at this moment with my blabbermouth son. hehe.

10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Tonya
    Jun 17, 2006 @ 14:11:00

    OMG I had to howl at the big boob in her face.. ROFLMAO.. still laughing here.. The things kids come out with is too much… lol

    and OMG about the lobster.. nope I would not be going!! lol


  2. Shannon
    Jun 17, 2006 @ 14:28:00

    lol that boob thing is funny… and I would skip the whole lobster thing with the crazy lady lol… go see Cars with the money you will save by skipping out on her lol…


  3. miraclebaby
    Jun 17, 2006 @ 18:51:00

    LOL I just had to read that to DH I was laughing so hard. How cute!

    Skip the lobster thing and just do someting with your family. Then you wouldn’t have to spend as much.


  4. Karen
    Jun 17, 2006 @ 20:41:00

    You must have a lot of patience with your SIL…I would not go just because it would be easier than confronting her about it. šŸ™‚ 2 lobsters a piece???


  5. heidiho
    Jun 17, 2006 @ 21:43:00

    OH MY GOSH – I TOTALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD AT THAT. THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!! Sorry – I don’t mean to be all Caps Lock on you, but that deserved it – it was just too funny!


  6. Kathy
    Jun 17, 2006 @ 22:23:00

    I agree with everyone else about the lobster boil. It was HER lobster boil for mostly HER family, and she expected YOU to pay for it? It does sound easier to just bow out than confront her about it, or worse yet, just pay for it. And the boob story is hilarious. That was probably smart not to compare yourself to a cow; everyone and their dog would probably be calling you a cow in a matter of hours.


  7. Betsy
    Jun 19, 2006 @ 15:27:00

    Hahahahaha! Boob in the way…he’ll learn!!!


  8. Merr
    Jun 19, 2006 @ 19:24:00

    That is funny what your little guy said. Also I am starting to get tired of your SIL,I can only imagine how you feel. I don’t know how you do it.


  9. Mandy Lynn
    Jun 19, 2006 @ 23:11:00

    Emma, I want to email you. Can you send me your email address. I think we have something in common to talk about. My email is mandygal2004@aol.com


  10. Lisanne
    Jun 20, 2006 @ 01:01:00

    That story was *so* funny! LOL! šŸ™‚


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